
Alam-e-Nau, which means “New World” in Persian, is a project centered on the dream of an era of global peace, prosperity, and connectivity–brought about by centering the principles of True Femininity, which is aligned with the Noble Masculine.

By this, we mean that the new era is defined by centering the Feminine Principle, which is supported and empowered by its ally, the Masculine. Both need to be trained, honored, respected and be in allyship with each other, but the human civilization needs to honor, value and prioritize the Feminine, the presence and safety of which is prime, and the existence of which is not secondary to the Masculine. In this shift of perception potentially lies the conclusion of conflicts and warfare that have plagued humanity, and which seem to be spreading globally, but, thankfully, in tandem with the emergence of islands of understanding, cooperation, creativity, knowledge, and peace.

We enable this shift through practices of active dreaming, realization, and actions; through building a culture of knowledge, diversity, inclusion, and creativity. We also focus on a global socio-economy of active, hands-on knowing and doing.

Furthermore, we concretize these lofty aims with specific offerings: establishing a culture, spaces, and products for learning, making, and doing. And supporting the same with infrastructures for learning, working, trading, implementing and policy-setting. Specifically, we are launching curated, print-on-demand books, and establishing alliances for trade and knowledge build-up and exchanges. We are using 21st-century skills and tools to speed up this process, so that growth is made circular, not linear.

This is a project for the 21st-century where East meets West meets North meets South in an era of convergence and true globality. This is only possible in a fruitful way if the principles of True Femininity are centered and protected by the Noble Masculine. Without an inner Feminine Core, the society become cantankerous, soul-less, substance-less, and poised for war as the Masculine faces off Masculine. It is only when the Masculine is correctly paired with an awakened and empowered Feminine that true composure and circularity is achieved in society. And in this circularity is gratification, attainment and prosperity that we can begin seeing in our lifetimes.

Alam-e-Nau centers and invokes Femininity through knowledge, culture and practice–and gives advisory on the same, in addition to building bridges.

We achieve this through the following specific initiatives:

  • Book Publishing. Books are the life source of a civilization, behind storytelling, oral culture and traditions. Books are how knowledge is codified, recorded and transmitted. A key project is therefore publishing of books, using hybrid print-on-demand technologies. This will allow us to publish global books under select thematics of interest, as well as give national writers an outlet to get published either under our label (pending editorial approval) or using a white label service. Where the titles are ours, we will sell them through our channels. Titles published under our labels will center the thematics of concern, in order to bring about revolutionary change. Enhanced services for writers will be added as the project rolls out, phase-by-phase.
  • Cultural Studies. Commissioning and conducting of cultural research and capture of data, followed by publication and distribution.
  • Architecture. Appropriate architecture is a huge need for the humans of the 21st century. Our focus is on climate-adjusted, back-to-nature and simplicity architecture that phases out the horrors of modernity. We start with designs and dreams, and move onto implementation swiftly.
  • Maker Studios. These are places where makers and tinkerers gather, bringing alive a new civilization that is simple, homely and earthy, and energy efficient. Traditional design meets new needs and sensibilities here. Our intention is to less reinvent the wheel, more align with existing facilities and premises and turn them into thematic maker studios, engaging a network of studio leaders.
  • Collaborations. It is our experience that growth speeds up through networking and collaboration. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we are bringing together persons and organizations of value and interest to work together to solve some of the most persistent challenges of humankind, and help protect the people & planet from the massive slide that we are seeing in places.